Destiny December stock (Resolves to PROB of poll)
resolved Dec 6

After this market closes I will make a poll (with hidden results) ASAP asking people:

"How would you rate Destinys actions/content 1-10 for december?"

I will post the poll in dgg chat and on R/Destiny and keep it open for 2 days before resolving to the result of the poll.

This market will resolve to PROB meaning if the average rating is 8, YES shares will pay out 80% and NO shares will pay out 20%. If the average rating is 2 then NO shares will pay out 80% and YES shares will pay out 20%.

I will not bet on this market and will show the poll after voting is done.

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Hmmmmmm I don't think this works very well lol I'll N/A

Destiny December stock (Resolves to PROB of poll), 8k, beautiful, illustration, trending on art station, picture of the day, epic composition

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