With the introduction of Beast in The Marvels in 2023, the release of Deadpool & Wolverine and expected Mutant cameos in 2024, and the scheduled release date of Avengers Secret Wars in May 2027, will Marvel Studios release a full live-action X-Men movie to kick-off the franchise in the Marvel Studio universe before the end of 2029?
@ZaneMiller - Title doesn’t have to contain “X-Men” but I will only count movies that contain multiple main characters that are or were considered a member of the X-Men team or come together in the film as the X-Men team.
See historical list of X-Men members: https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/List_of_X-Men_members
Unless the characters include classic X-Men team members, I won’t count movies that focus on solo characters or teams that are only affiliated or associated with the X-Men such as Deadpool, The New Mutants or X-Force.