Will Manifold change the starting balance or quest rewards before July 1, 2024?
resolved May 1

Per archive.org, the following is true:

  1. As of Oct 01 2022, users received M 1000 to start and gained money via betting.

  2. As of Jun 05 2023, users received M 500 to start and gained money via betting or a daily streak bonus.

This system has problems:

  1. It is a bad idea to screw over users by age. Older users get the larger starting pool and the daily bonus.

  2. It is a bad idea to buy attention by printing money though it does create the appearance of higher usage.

  3. It is a bad idea to make daily rewards "streak" based.

  4. It is a bad idea to fail to communicate changes, forcing the use of tools like archive.org to research them.

This market is not about the many ways Manifold chooses to misled users. Will Manifold change the starting balance or quest rewards again before July 1, 2024?

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bought Ṁ100 YES

@TravisLuckenbaugh resolves YES. the starting balance has substantially changed—many times, but currently it's 100M & +100M if you phone verify, very different from before.

bought Ṁ10 of YES

Interested in why you think (2) and (3).

@jskf Economics and Psychology, respectively.

Pretty sure new users still get 1k. They just get 500 immediately, and the other 500 some number of days later.


Current: https://docs.manifold.markets/faq#what-is-mana-m

Mana (M) is the play-money used to bet on our platform. It cannot be converted to cash. All users start with M500 for free.

Archive: https://web.archive.org/web/20221001182924/https://docs.manifold.markets/faq

Each account starts with a free 1000 mana (or M$1000 for short). If you invest it wisely, you can increase your total without ever needing to put any real money into the site.

@TravisLuckenbaugh this is how it shows up now. Of all my friends that signed up at the same time, we all got this extra 500 mana bonus a few days after signing up. I think some without even betting on anything. So, I would say the sign up bonus is effectively still 1000.

@ayylmao Which could mean an undocumented feature, an undocumented change, or Manafold playing favorites behind the scenes in order of increasing badness.

@jskf An open sores model if I ever saw one. 156 branches, zero release notes or tags. Is there a specific commit you're trying to reference or is your entire argument RTFS?

predicted YES

@TravisLuckenbaugh Economics and Psychology