⚔️ What will be true about Elden Ring: Shadow of the Erdtree? [Free response]
Jun 22
It will be released on June 21, 2024
You enter the DLC by touching Miquella's Hand in Mohgwyn Palace
The final boss is a random enemy that has had no build up or explanation (Similar to the Elden Beast in the base game)
A new status effect is added
There is a new wild creature that rolls around (like the goats)
There is a required duo boss fight
There are two new boss that must be fought sequentially, with no checkpoint in between.
Someone says "maidenless"
There will be a suit of armor that makes you look like you're wearing the skin of a lion
There is a new jar themed piece of armor
There are no minor Erdtrees, or Erdtree saplings in the new locations
You will fight Miquella as a Boss

Free response! Add any wild theories or ideas you want. Try to keep the criteria unambiguous, or else I might have to N/A.

Elden ring loves to give people multiple names, so if a name is used in the market it will apply to all forms of that individual, regardless of any renames, transformations, etc.

This market will close the day the DLC is officially released.

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Would a new status effect need to have an associated bar that fills up? Or does being unable to use the crimson flask count as a status effect? (Which you can get in the base game from Winged Scythe ash of war and albinauric pot)

bought Ṁ100 There is a required ... YES

To be clear, Godskin Duo in the base game counts as a duo bossfight, right? Even though there's only one health bar, there's two enemies.

@pietrokc Yep! That would count. As long as there are two that have be fought simultaneously