Will the Price of Bitcoin be above 30.000,00$ before 1st Jan 2024?
resolved Oct 20

I will resolve this according to https://coinmarketcap.com/currencies/bitcoin/

(Please note that if the price hits 30.000,00$ and goes back down it will be resolved as YES)

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predicted NO


predicted YES

@AbelVelascoVilanova the criteria was met, so the market was resolved correctly.

bought Ṁ10,000 of YES

Ok I'm pretty sure this is satisfying the criteria this time.

bought Ṁ10 of YES

Bitcoin's price is primarily affected by its supply, the market's demand, availability, competing cryptocurrencies, and investor sentiment. The Fear and Greed Index can be referred to as a metric or an indicator that helps to gauge crypto market movements and market sentiment, thus providing useful insights to crypto investors who might be in anticipation of what lies ahead. The Index points to a median between fear and greed. I would say its the best time to buy with a stop loss of 27000 which is the low of previous swing. Based on technical analysis the price shows an uptrend which could potential go above 30000.

This is written like a trick question. Is 30.000,00$ the same as $30? I mean, 30 = 30.00000

predicted YES

@JeremyCarlisle dem tricksy green ppl!

@deagol The amount was expressed in dollars.

predicted YES

@JeremyCarlisle those countries express all amounts like so regardless of the currency being expressed. Or do you express Euro (or Ruble) amounts as €12.345,67 ?

@deagol Don’t be a prick. This was written in English on an American platform.

predicted YES

@JeremyCarlisle yea i’m a prick for educating you, ok.

@deagol Sorry, I meant arrogant, insufferable, condescending prick.

predicted YES

@JeremyCarlisle lol you looking in the mirror? i’ll stop replying to you as it isn’t helping anyone.

predicted YES
predicted YES

@TobiasSowaaed please note that not all exchanges hit 30k, so needs to be specified/clarified.

predicted YES

@deagol My apologies I haven't clarified it (I was still new to the platform when it was)
I will use CoinMarketcap because it is the industry's most popular and recognizable cryptocurrency price tracker.

predicted NO

@TobiasSowaaed thanks! this is what I get there as today’s high:

predicted YES

This market is at 46% while /ACXBot/35-will-bitcoin-end-2023-above-3000 is at 33%. Feels like they should be more like a 2:1 ratio no? That's what I would expect if the Bitcoin price were a Markov process.

predicted NO

I’ll be happy to lose this bet

predicted YES

@hrdwdmrbl this is how I feel about all my bitcoin bets

Does it resolve to YES if it reaches 30,000 but goes back down before Jan 1st 2024?

@TrippLyons It seems like it should

predicted YES

@TrippLyons Yes. As soon as it hits 30k it Will be resolved as yes

sold Ṁ0 of YES

@TobiasSowaaed this market refers to the price on which exchange?

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