2022 FIFA World Cup in QATAR / 21 November to 18 December 2022 Which team/country will be the winner of the final? Winning answer will be country name only (no other bs answers).
Close date updated to 2022-12-18 11:59 pm
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@Jelle I would not call it an overcommitment! unlikely things happen but that does not make them likely.
@Adam Nope that's not why I meant. This market stayed in favor of Argentina for a long time, probably because people invested in Argentina and weren't able to sell, not having enough liquidity to shift the distribution.
@Jelle oh, you mean the way it took a while for the odds to shift after the goals? yeah, I unwound a 5k position on argentina and got most of it back in on France at great odds, myself
@Adam Nvm, I see people have been selling by voting opposite on this market too. Not sure why there isn't a sell button for these kinds of markets?