Will Jacob Shamberger smoke vape within the next 6 months?
resolved Dec 15

Starting after we leave the 4 seasons

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@traders Does anyone know how this should resolve?

@EvanDaniel THATS A PING??? 🤯🤯🤯

@lag I mean market creators inactive and it's can only be resolved with their information to ig either prob or n/a

@lag It is! Hopefully a helpful one for stuff like this!

@lag Yeah I'm expecting N/A here, but maybe someone knows how to bother them or knows Jacob or something? IDK, it's a tiny market and probably not important, but I'm going to try anyway :)

@EvanDaniel lmao that's so cool

but yea idk, I can't even remember why I bet on this market in the first place lol

@ThomasSchulz Did they?