We attempted to replicate Study 2 from "Lay Theories of Financial Well-being Predict Political and Policy Message Preferences,” published in JPSP in March 2022. We consider a finding to have replicated if the original result was statistically significant and our result was statistically significant and in the same direction, OR if the original result was statistically insignificant and our result was also statistically insignificant. For a quick overview of what this replication involved, see this image: https://drive.google.com/file/d/1R82RBiO_j8sBpc1V7KHdMyf326vZCr9r/view?usp=sharing You can find a more detailed description of the original study findings here: https://docs.google.com/document/d/130ad71RCTLZ2O9JmJsYK3j53fRAP2TYK0tP59BHGn0k/edit?usp=sharing Jul 9, 12:13am: And here's a link to the original paper - note that it is only study 2 that we subjected to a replication attempt: https://www.researchgate.net/publication/351527835_Lay_Theories_of_Financial_Well-being_Predict_Political_and_Policy_Message_Preferences
Close date updated to 2022-07-24 11:59 pm
Close date updated to 2022-07-31 11:59 pm
Post-resolution update - here is a link to our results: https://replications.clearerthinking.org/replication-2022jpsp122-2/
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