What will the next ant colony be in AntCanadas rainforest terrarium Pantdora.
Fire Ants
Ghost Ants

Antscanada is a ant hobbies on YouTube that has tended to ant colonys of all shapes and sizes. One of his most recent and largest projects is known as Pantdora, a one thousand plus rainforest vivarium to simulate a mini ecosystem within glass. Currently there are several species of ants and a termite within this rainforest haven. Their are Marauder ants, Black Crazy ants, Carpenter ants, a termite species, Dwarf ants, and Acrobat ants. There is also potential for a ghost ant colony to enter the mix. Antscanada currently lives in the tropics of the Philippines. Any specifics can be found on his channel.

To count as a colony, there has to be two criteria met. One:there must be undoubted signs that a queen lives with the terrarium. Any outside interference won't count. Two: ot can not be one colony moving around. Black crazy ants are nomadic, and so any sadilite next made by them and similar ants won't count either.

Note: if there is substantial proof of two different ant colonys of the same species, I'll count it.

To look up his videos, search in the toutube search bar "Antscanada". He is an amazing youtube that helps explain alot of ant nest management and even has a store for new ant enthusiasts to get started. I highly recommend him for a good price of entertainment, as well as a good educational source.

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