Will it snow in the Midwest before Halloween?
resolved Oct 25

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predicted YES

It is snowing in Williston, ND as of 2:30 AM CDT... Now to await the snowfall spotter reports for the amounts.

predicted NO

@kalassak I gotta say, this isn't looking good: https://www.weather.gov/bis/winter

predicted YES

@TheFuturesWild We have a report of 3 inches of snow measured from Mountrail, ND. Still snowing. https://www.weather.gov/source/crh/snowmap.html?sid=bis

I imagine we will see more reports filter in throughout the day.

predicted NO

@TheFuturesWild I don't think us "no's" lost yet (if anyone has proof to the contrary, just let me know), but things are looking fairly dire:

predicted NO

@kalassak In my defense... dammit.

predicted YES


Looks like there might be snow this weekend in parts of the midwest. We had hail yesterday but no snow yet.

predicted NO

@AnthonyPeterson looks concentrated a little east of the Midwest, but North Dakota could get hit pretty good. We'll have to keep an eye on it.

bought Ṁ100 of YES

@TheFuturesWild NWS Bismarck is already advertising a corridor of 8+ inches of snow at 70% chance or higher. This is pretty much a done deal.

predicted NO

@kalassak we'll have to keep an eye on the situation

bought Ṁ20 of NO

what is your threshold for midwest? and for snow? (trace? 1 inch?)

predicted NO

@kalassak Illinois, Indiana, Iowa, Kansas, Michigan, Minnesota, Missouri, Nebraska, North Dakota, Ohio, South Dakota, and Wisconsin

as defined by the Census Bureau (https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Midwestern_United_States)

Let's go with an inch because trace leaves too much room for interpretation.

Excellent question!

bought Ṁ100 of YES

Seems like every year we get a little snow on or before Halloween here in Northern Michigan.

predicted NO

@AnthonyPeterson Well, then, put your mana where your mouth is!

Just, anywhere in the Midwest? If it snows once in Minnesota, that counts?

predicted NO

@Lorec Correct