Why did the Chicken Cross the Road?
Nov 19
To Get To The Other Side
To see his flatmate
Because there was no cell service on the first side of the road, and it was trying to load Manifold Markets to place a bet on which of its coop-mates would be slaughtered first.

Lets see how this develops . . .

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@traders If someone wants to get in touch with the creator or run a poll or something I can resolve to that. Otherwise I'll plan to resolve N/A at some point.

@ThatGuy How and when will this resolve?

bought Ṁ10 of Because there was no...

The cell service one made me laugh out loud

@Conflux I'm noticing that @IsaacKing trends dark. might be interesting to see how dynamics change with greater traffic and participation.

I also loled

Why did the Chicken Cross the Road?, 8k, beautiful, illustration, trending on art station, picture of the day, epic composition