Will anything weird happen at a major AGI company before my flight lands?
resolved Nov 24

Last time I was on a flight, Sam Altman got fired as CEO. The obvious conclusion was that they were waiting until I was incommunicado to act.

Major AGI companies are those asked by the UK government to outline their AI safety properties: Amazon, Anthropic, DeepMind, Inflection, Meta, Microsoft, and OpenAI. Only drama happening in their AI departments will count for positive resolution.

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predicted NO

Hard to call, going to go with that they were still talking through the whole course of my flight.

predicted NO

@Tetraspace All my Mana is locked up in here, please resolve!

predicted NO

@Tetraspace - Please resolve this when you get a moment. Many thanks!

predicted NO

When is this resolving??

predicted NO

Off plane

sold Ṁ14 of YES

@Tetraspace Honestly I think a lot of weird stuff happened. There are deep reasons for it happening and long lasting consequences.

@Tetraspace Resolve as no then?

sold Ṁ39 of NO

Wow that was a quick way to lose $20

bought Ṁ10 of YES

He's got a guest badge, and roon says "crossed the rubicon armies marching on rome". Incoming CEO as I write this.

predicted YES

@Mira I think this should count

Due to the theontological link between Tetratopia and Terra being severed, fundamental ontological stability with respect to AGI technology is lost.

bought Ṁ10 of NO

tetraspace you should probably just get inflight wifi.

bought Ṁ10 of YES

Would him being reinstated as the CEO be weird to you?

bought Ṁ80 of NO