How will Isaac King resolve his "What is the largest number?" market?
resolved Dec 30
notation F[n] = composition of func F with itself n times. R=RayosFunc Extending Graham's-number-like towers Lyr(1)=R(9!), Lyr(n)=R[Lyr(n-1)](9!) Twr(1)=Lyr(9), Twr(n)=Lyr[Twr(n-1)](9) Row(1)=Twr(9), Row(n)=Twr[Row(n-1)](9) Row[Row(9)](9)
Rayo(Graham's Number passed to the busy beaver function, with the result of that computation passed to the busy beaver function - repeat a number of times equal to Graham's Number), then square the answer.
BB=Busy Beaver Function. Let BBC(N) be BB composed with itself N times onto N, that is BB(BB(... BB(N)...)) with N layers of BB. Similarly let BBCC be BBC composed with itself N times onto N. Answer is BBCC(BBCC(BBCC(BBCC(Rayo's number))))

This resolves at the resolution of Isaac King's What is the largest number? market, at either the single largest number or with multiple answers in proportion to Isaac's degree of belief each is the largest.

Thus far, Isaac King has narrowed the answers down to three that could be valid. Which will win?

Resolves N/A if there is a nonzero resolution for an answer on the original market that isn't in this market.

Close date updated to 2023-02-28 11:59 pm

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"The market did not say “largest of the answers”, it said “largest number.” There is none." is the objectively correct answer given the vagueness of the market

Ideally this should just exactly track the prices of his market right?

@JamesSully My market is closed

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