Me and my girlfriend are looking for movies to watch this year. Add your recommendations and bet amongst each other how much you think we'll like them! We both rate the movie a percentage (high is good) and take the mean to be the resolution percentage. If we do not finish your movie, have already watched it or are quite sure we won't watch it, I will resolve it as N/A. Remaining movies resolve N/A at end of year. I will try to add a short review about the movies we watch to inform the market.
Neither me nor my girlfriend will bet on this market for fairness. Please ask if something is unclear.
Movies we both recognize as great:
Oppenheimer, Ondskan (Evil, swedish movie), The Count of Monte Cristo, 12 Angry Men, Memento.
We have also enjoyed Tenet, The Dark Knight and Nightcrawler.
We both found Indiana Jones (the first movie) to be okay.
My girlfriend did not enjoy Pulp Fiction, but I very much did. She thought Dunkirk was okay, but I didn't like it. I thought Nightcrawler was good, but she thought it was only okay.
Amadeus resolved N/A since we couldn't finish the movie. We got half-way until we concluded it was too noisy to watch for my girlfriend. She's noise sensitive. She was not a fan of the movie up until then. I thought it was okay up until then.
Me: 15, not great neurodivergent and nerd representation imo. The characters were unrelatable and the story did not manage to make itself interesting.
Girlfriend: 90, good character with good growth and made me happy.
Me: 70. Good movie. Some of the swedish things were inaccurate, but the tension was very well managed throughout the movie.
Girlfriend: 80. Good movie, but lots of gore :(
Rain Man
Me: 70. Not good autism representation and Charlie's finances were partially forgotten at times. Great character growth, but the movie didn't do very much with it imo.
Girlfriend: 100. The autism representation was bad, but the character growth was great. It made me happy.
@mattyb Just updated the description on why it resolved N/A. We tried watching it, but it was too noisy for my girlfriend.