Two Truths and A Lie: Guess the Lie
resolved Jun 25
I resuscitated a drowning swimmer with CPR
I accidentally went on a date with a Japanese pop star
I have fired significant explosives off a U.S. aircraft carrier

Hey Manifold, let's play a game.

Two of these options are true, and one of them is false. Which is the false one?

Go ahead and ask questions, I'll answer some. I won't lie in my answers, though I may evade answering fully.

Resolves to the correct answer (the Lie) after closing.

(for obvious reasons, I won't be betting in this market)

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Alright, time for the answer!

Even though I was a lifeguard, luckily I never had to use CPR on someone. As some of you might know, it's nothing like the movies: it rarely makes someone "come back to life" and usually only keeps them from dying until their heart can be properly restarted by an AED. So no, I never resuscitated a drowning swimmer.

@Stralor @Renz

Renz, was that your reasoning?

Pat, care to share what the story with the explosives was?

@parhizj Sure! Back when I used to work as a fireworks technician we'd get called for shows at all kinds of locations. Usually it'd be a 4th of July show in a field, a homecoming dance, a wedding, a sports game, some corporate event, that kind of thing. A few times we went onto airbases and did shows off their runway, and one time we were hired to come out and rig the aft deck of an aircraft carrier for a big show, so we did. That's about it!

Mostly that kind of work is a long day in the sun of hauling materials, hammering the many racks of guns together (mortar tubes, essentially), and wiring all of the shells one-by-one to the electrics, before a few minutes of up-close excitement and a few hours of cleanup in the dark with blackpowder stinging your eyes and throat. Sometimes stuff went wayyy wrong and that's when it got exciting, but the one on the carrier was pretty straightforward. A few other memorable spots: sitting on a 15x15 raft in the middle of a bay with only a small plywood hut between us and a few hundred pounds of explosives; climbing to the top of a stadium's lights without a harness in high winds with fireworks that needed prepping strapped to our backs; and once lying on our bellies in the truck and having the blue angels do a flyby inches away from us (we were supposed to take a break and get off the field for that, but, well, you don't hang out in t-shirts and cargo shorts all day wiring explosives unless you like some adrenaline).

@Stralor don't tell OSHA

@Stralor Fireworks was not on my bingo card.

@parhizj Just a guess

closing imminently! any last minute burning questions?

bought Ṁ2 of I have fired signifi...

I asked GPT about it: "Explosives are not typically fired off aircraft carriers."

@parhizj 😄

One more true fact:

I spent a couple summers working as a lifeguard!

I've changed the description to clarify that I won't lie in any of my answers, not just ones related to the Truths. Previously I allowed myself to lie in answers pertaining to the Lie.
The ability to lie in this game in person with friends is fun, but to do so online among strangers lacks verifiability.

Second true fact:

I was never in the military!

Questions haven't been asked, so I'll sprinkle a true fact here and there to confuse the market. First hint:

I lived in Japan!

Note that I've made a meta market about this one. Could be a good chance to hedge!