I'm visiting a friend on a farm. How many of his animals will I pet?
resolved Apr 29

I will be there for a little over a week. He has slightly more than 50 animals, but who knows how many are ornery, shouldn't be touched, or I won't be able to tell from the others.

I'm mildly interested in setting a perfect score for the sake of this market, but I won't bet and will try to keep this updated as much as time and internet allows. Maybe some pics if I can.

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gonna resolve the remaining ones NO as I have no intention of trying for a higher score now. might still let you know if I nab that last bunny

here's a pic of the dog helping me herd the birds

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@shankypanky secretly one of my favorite greetings that some people have for me is to say "pat pat" and give me loving headpats

I'm never gonna catch that last baby bunny. It's gotten too fast and smart. It knows all the best hidey holes and it's seen me grab all its siblings. Oh well. But I did manage to corner enough random guineas to resolve 30+. I doubt I'll be able to get any more as I'd have a hard time finding ones I'm sure I didn't pet yet.

Some guinea moms protecting their eggs (did not put my hands anywhere near them!!)

This is Peppers, aka Peps. He's mostly blind and super shy but fairly friendly because he gets fed by hand every day

@Stralor ooh these are beauties 🐦

@shankypanky peps tentatively walks around on his tippy toes and squeaks to ask who that shadow nearby is

The cat and I have an understanding.

The dog is a goof but also my fren

@Stralor both demand to be pet. all is good

@Stralor bonus:

doggo taking a nap-o

(her bed is like two feet away. fuck beds tho amirite)

this chicken is mad that you're not achieving your goals

Today I'll give you probably shitty pictures of a few random birds that hang out here because I'm exhausted from farm labor

@Stralor also, I have discovered my flight is later than expected, so I've added an extra day to this market, as I'll still be at the farm

@Stralor What kind of farm labor were you doing?

@Nikos helping out a lot with general maintenance mostly. clearing brambles and weeds, herding fowl, lugging logs and stones, constructing sheds, mending fences, finding lost baby bunnies, petting the dog

@Stralor petting the dog is the most important job 🥰 (and could we get a photo, please?)

@Lion yes I'll get pics of the dog and cat at some point

Forgot to post photos yesterday

Chickens doing chicken things

A family feast. Look at how big the little ones are getting in just a few days!

I need to pet the last two babies then I'm 100% on everything but the guineas. The guineas are gonna be hard though

@Stralor Thank you for posting these pictures, they bring a smile to my face every day 🧡

@Stralor So you’re at 22 farm animals pet so far?

@snazzlePop 24. 1 baby rabbit left and 32 guineafowl

the GOATs. the black one is skeptical but friendly enough. the white one was tired of my shit before he even saw me, but I managed to trick him into a brief bit of petting with some treats

Content warning, cute baby bunny

@Stralor oh my god 🥹

@Stralor I'm so fukin jealous right now this is so unfair 🥺

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