NFL 🏈 Week 14 - [Duos Queue]: Raiders and Chargers vs Vikings and Broncos
resolved Dec 11
Vikings and Broncos
Raiders and Chargers

NFL Regular Season Week 14

4:05pm Vikings at Raiders

4:25pm Broncos at Chargers

Raiders and Chargers vs Vikings and Broncos

Nordic Lands circa 900 CE:

The Las Vegas Raiders were down on their luck. It was time for them to live up to their name and do the Raiding rather than being Raided. Fortunately, they found themselves a former enemy but current ally in the Los Angeles Chargers, a team also tired of taking Loss after Las after Los, that they hoped would help them blitz their rivals, the Minnesota Vikings. As they charged into battle, however, they notice something quite curious. It looks like the Vikings were riding some sort of animal to give the high ground advantage. The Denver Broncos had showed up right on time for the Vikings to make this matchup rocky.

The Raiders and Chargers win if their combined score is larger than the Vikings and Broncos combined score.

The Vikings and Broncos win if their combined score is larger than Raiders and Chargers combined score.

If the combined scores are the same, this market will resolve as a Tie.

(Duos matches were picked based on same start time and close point spreads that either cancel each other out or come close)Β 

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Unfortunately the Raiders (0) didn't actually show up today! Leading to a Broncos and Vikings (24+3 = 27) victory over the Chargers (7).

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