Will Teemo be picked during the 2023 League of Legends World Championship?
resolved Nov 19

Teemo is uncommonly seen during professional matches; however, he did make an appearance during the 2022 Worlds tournament.

This market will resolve to YES immediately if at least one game loads into the Rift with Teemo as a playing champion. It will resolve to N/A if the tournament is not played to completion and Teemo has not been played yet. If the tournament concludes without Teemo being played, the market will resolve to NO.

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predicted NO

RESOLUTION: The tournament was played to completion, but Teemo was not picked. The answer is NO.

bought Ṁ10 of YES

I believe 🪈

bought Ṁ300 NO from 5% to 4%
bought Ṁ300 of NO

@Stralor I'll take that mana

bought Ṁ50 of NO

Teemo had 2 participations in Worlds (2013 and 2022) with 0%-win rate and only two matches' (probably show matches), the champion is weak in coordinate and high-performance scenario, so it`s almost impossible to see Teemo in this year.

Teemo stats in Season 3 World Championship - Games of Legends (gol.gg)

bought Ṁ96 of NO

the teemo pick happened in a match with a massive skill differential, where one team decided that there was effectively no chance of winning and "trolled". this year's world championships has a new format that significantly reduces the number of matches that fit this criteria, and also makes every match important for both teams (as opposed to the past format, where teams could have nothing to play for on the final day of a round-robin group, this year's championship uses a swiss format where teams stop playing once they're either eliminated or qualified)