What percentage of House members will vote to to expel George Santos?
resolved Dec 1
Resolved as

This market will resolve to the percentage of voting members of Congress who vote YES to expel Republican member George Santos from the House of Representatives.

The formula used to compute the number X is:

100.0 * (members voting YES) / ((members voting YES) + (members voting NO) + (members voting PRESENT))

The market will resolve to the following:

  • YES, if the vote to expel Santos is unanimous

  • PROB, with X% if at least one member disagrees or votes PRESENT

  • NO, if the motion is voted down with no opposition using a voice vote

  • N/A, if no vote occurs before Christmas or the bill is tabled through procedural means, a committee vote, or any other method than a floor vote

The vote to be considered is the first vote, and the market will resolve immediately after the first vote is closed the first time and the results read aloud, even if it is reopened later.

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bought แน€30 of NO

Ugh, in my head I thought this was GOP members only. SMH

RESOLUTION: See the below image. The outcome is 73%.

bought แน€75 of NO