resolved Dec 18
Known human technology
Non-human intelligence
Advanced human technology
Video editing

Watch the video at https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Rd-LL0i_ZV8, which is being billed as one of the first 4K 60fps videos of a UFO. It gets extremely close to the camera at 3:41.

What is the sphere in this video? The first two options are defined identically to the options in this market:


The "known human technology" option resolves to all objects that it is known a human can make now, like balloons, drones, and so on. A combination of commercially available products used to make a new product fits into this category, such as several drones connected together in some new way.

"Video editing" will be resolved if AI or traditional special effects techniques were used to make it seem that the video shows something when that exact object never actually existed in the exact location shown.

I don't currently see how "Other" could end up as the resolution, but it is there just in case. The market will resolve at N/A if a consensus is not reached about the video by March 31, 2024.

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RESOLUTION: This one is a balloon. That doesn't rule out that it could also be edited, but the market can only resolve to a single resolution. Regardless of whether it was edited, it seems clear that there was an actual balloon in the video.

bought Ṁ300 of Known human technology YES

Reddit commenters identified it as a "cheers to 30" balloon, with apparent motion due to the drone movement

Screenshot from 4:03

Balloons on Amazon: https://www.amazon.com/30th-Birthday-Decorations-him-Tablecloths/dp/B08N9JZSR8#immersive-view_1702921085207

bought Ṁ100 of Known human technology YES

We did it, reddit!

@Joshua Wow, that's pretty impressive. How is it possible that someone figured that out? They just happened to search for the right design? That's incredible.

@SteveSokolowski after someone managed to find the stock photo of the sky used in the fake MH370 video (see https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=o5BNiduJwnM), tracking down an amazon product from some half-visible text doesn't sound so hard!

@jcb What do these people get out of making make videos like the MH370 video? Are they making a profit somehow? I don't understand the reasoning behind it.

I found out a few days ago that the way the people who predict when OpenAI is going to release a product are correct is that they create thousands of AI-generated accounts on X with different predictions. Then, when one of them is right, they delete all the others and claim that that one knew all along, selling products and services using that account based on their incredible knowledge.

There's always a profit angle behind everything, so how is someone making money off fake videos like the MH370 video?

@SteveSokolowski wish I knew. Perverse delight in seeing people fall for it (i.e. trolls)?

While (I assume) not the original video creator, this guy https://twitter.com/JustXAshton is still asserting that the "MH370" video is real. I think he's just trying to drive traffic to his youtube channel and bring in ad money there.

bought Ṁ5 of Known human technology YES

Did you come by this video from the creator posting it somewhere in particular? Twitter/reddit?

bought Ṁ10 of Known human technology YES
bought Ṁ10 of Known human technology YES

Lots of people pointing out there's some sort of text or logo you can see a bit of, I think that would be a weird thing to include in either a genuine Secret Test Drone or a fake video. So my prior would be cool-looking commercial/hobbyist drone.

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