How many kills will occur in the 2023 League of Legends World Championship finals?
resolved Nov 19
Resolved as

How aggressive will T1 and Weibo play in the League of Legends finals? Bet here.

This market will resolve to the number of total kills achieved by both teams in all games of the final series of the tournament. The canonical number of kills is the red and blue numbers at the top right corner of the screen in normal gameplay. Note that there are some cases where champion deaths do not count as kills, and would not be counted here.

The market will resolve as follows, with the first three options resolving if the first game loads into the rift:

  • YES, if 100 or more kills occur

  • PROB, if the number of kills is between 1 and 99

  • NO, if there are no kills in the series

  • N/A, if the first game does not load fully into the rift before November 30, 2023 at 11:59:59pm EST.

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RESOLUTION: The official lolesports box score shows 58 kills, so this market resolves to 58%.

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Game 1: 19
Game 2: 15
Games: 23 kills