Is there anything objective to learn from psychadelics research?
Sep 28

Research seems to be increasing as regulations are loosened. Is there any objective benefit from studying psychadelic hallucinogens, that is, something that can benefit a non-user and humanity at large, or is it all just a pipe dream?

Market resolves in or about 30 days, by consensus.

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I would assume if a psychedelic gets approved from a major regulatory authority (e.g., FDA, EMEA, etc) for an indication, that would resolve as "yes"?

Not necessarily. If it's just a psychological benefit, even as extreme as making peace with death, that's still individual and subjective, right?

bought Ṁ50 YES

I mean no regulatory authority is going to approve that as an indication since that’s not a disease

Treatment of any well-defined and generally recognized medical condition would count. Treatments already known, such as cannabis for glaucoma and nausea, or psilocybin for cluster headaches, would not count.

opened aṀ1,000YES at 90% order

Market resolves in or about 30 days, by consensus.

can you say more about the resolution? what consensus?