Will Laurence Fox be on the ballot for Mayor of London?
resolved May 2

Despite his poor showing in 2021, Laurence Fox wants to run for Mayor of London again.

His application has been denied due to a lack of valid nominations:


Fox has got his lawyers involved and said that he will challenge and appeal the decision:

Will he succeed?

Will his name appear on the ballot on 2nd May?

(Being on the ballot for any other position such as a London Assembly member obviously doesn’t count!)

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bought Ṁ1,500 NO


I've just got home from voting and I'm happy to report that Lawrence Fox was not on the ballot for Mayor of London!

(Though he did appear on the ballot for the London Assembly - hopefully we won't have to worry about him getting a platform by winning a seat there!)

This market resolves to NO.

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opened a Ṁ100 NO at 99.0% order

I can answer this question immediately. No, he will not be on the ballot, nominations closed today, his nomination was deemed invalid therefore he will not be on the ballot papper. He can lodge as many appeals as he want, but it too late, nominations have closed

bought Ṁ10 NO

@HarryHayfield He seems to think that he's got a chance, but I hope you're right and that he's wasting his money on lawyers and that he's got no hope!

If you're that sure, I'm surprised you haven't put in a NO bet though. The market is still at 36%!

@SimonGrayson Having stood in elections myself since 2004 I know how the system of nomination works, however I am still a little green around here and am never sure whether a direct YES / NO statement is better or worse than a limit order

@HarryHayfield Here is the offical list of candidates for London Mayor, Laurence Fox is not on the list, Laurence Fox can never be on the list, therefore this can resolve as NO this very second https://www.londonelects.org.uk/im-candidate/statutory-notices-and-elections-timetable/statements-persons-nominated-mayor