UK General Election 2024 - Will Rishi Sunak announce his resignation before election day?
Jul 3

It would be an understatement to say that Rishi Sunak’s election campaign is going badly.

Rumours are now swirling on Twitter and other disreputable sources that he is going to resign. Normally, it would seem completely insane for anyone to suggest that a Prime Minister might resign during a general election campaign, but this isn't exactly a normal election campaign.

Will any of the following happen by 3rd July?

  • Rishi Sunak publicly announces that he is resigning as Prime Minister or as leader of the Conservative Party, even if this doesn’t take effect until after the election

  • Rishi Sunak publicly announces that he is retiring from politics or quitting the Conservative Party, even if this doesn’t take effect until after the election

  • Rishi Sunak is removed or replaced as Prime Minister or leader of the Conservative Party through any mechanism and for any reason including incapacity or death

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