Will a pound (lb.) of flour be more expensive than a twelve pack of 12 oz. soft drinks in month of March 2023?
resolved Apr 12

Resolution will be based upon the the average price indicies for flour and soft drinks identified below for the month of March 2023 as published by the Bureau of Labor Statistics, United States, City Average.

Market closes April 12, 2023, 90 minutes before the March 2023 CPI data is published at 8:30 AM Eastern Time the same day.

Resolves YES if CPI Series ID APU0000701111, March 2023 value for Flour, white, all purpose, per lb. (453.6 gm) in U.S. city average, average price, not seasonally adjusted is greater than CPI Series ID APU0000FN1102, March 2023 value for All soft drinks, 12 pk, 12 oz., cans, per 12 oz. (354.9 ml) in U.S. city average, average price, not seasonally adjusted.

Out of the past 26 months, the Flour index was greater than Soft Drink index for 11 months, Flour was less than Soft Drinks for 15 months.

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