Will Mark Rutte become the new leader of the NATO alliance?
resolved Jul 18

The former prime minister of the Netherlands becomes the new NATO chef after Jens Stoltenberg.

The decision come in March throughout the news channels in the EU.

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@ShascoLaugs last warning no random nonsense resolves

@WieDan I'll admit that I'm biased but the creator did say that the market would resolve NO if he hadn't been chosen as the new leader by April 1st.

@Arky Yeah, a month after the market was created. It’s just play money, so losing it doesn’t bother me that much, but it’s still irksome to “change the rules” after the fact. (It seems like good style to clearly set out resolve conditions beforehand.)

@Juliafe02 Sometimes the "by the close date of the market" condition is kind of implied, but it looks like most people thought is wasn't for this market. I agree that it's always best to put things like this in the description.

@Arky I didn’t see that anywhere, but I’m glad we’re on the same page. I’m sorry if my response came off as rude.

@Arky He should have edited the title and description then. You can't materially change a market in a comment. It's not a clarification it's actually a clear change from what is said in title and description.

@WieDan I suggest that instead of "last warning" anyone you change the resolution date to October or so, which is when Stoltenberg's term actually ends.

There are plenty of markets that call for active moderation and Manifold fails at that. This is one chance for you to do it right.

@BrunoParga I'm busy following the Iran attacks my friend. I planned on reopening the market but I didn't know till when.

Just a note that the description does say

The decision come in March throughout the news channels in the EU.

This is very confusingly worded, but it is possible to read it as consistent with the author's comment

However, I strongly dislike said interpretation because it conflicts with the title. Furthermore, it makes almost no sense since the term doesn't end in march.

@Juliafe02 @WieDan It has been resolved and unchanged since this poll opened. I did not extend it because that would have influenced bets, so it just resolved NO.

@jack The sentence is a bit wonky, I agree. But I also wanted to make it time-sensitive.

bought Ṁ10 NO

Will this be extended?

bought Ṁ35 NO

@Arky He has not been chosen as the next leader as of right now

@Arky no, I will make a new one. If before 01-04 we do not have a definitive answer the poll will resolve.

@ShascoLaugs Can this resolve?

Related market.

@GazDownright Nice one

“Let’s stop moaning and nagging and whining about Trump,” [Rutte] said. “We need to invest in our defense expenditure. We need to massively ramp up arms production and then we need to massively do more in support to Ukraine.”

I don't know if he will win the job, but he's definitely won my heart. I have all sorts of feelings reading that.

@BrunoParga in the Netherlands he's famous for being double faced. He did hold power for 4 elections. He tore down the welfare system, during his 14(?) years as prime minister the Dutch military was consistently below the NATO-demanded base-line of 2% of national GDP spending, Netherlands grew as an illegal drugs-producing state, many political documents that used to be public became censored, the police got the legal right to collect digital data of innocents, and the tax system is blundering so hard that the previous cabinet fell due to innocent civilians being charged up to 100k out of the blue.

Uh, on the other hand he wasn't terribly bullish on immigrants for someone on the right, most of his voters now vote for the extreme right so he might have been a moderating presence in NL, he did a weekly 20 min interview on national television, he is in favor of the Paris climate accords, his portrayed personality is very inoffensive, the Netherlands has an abnormally low debt to GDP ratio.

I really don't like the part where he cut spending on education and that Dutch students now need to go into debt so they can go to university. The cuts on the medical system also hurt, treatment is now more expensive and harder to get.

@BrunoParga He's just good at feeling which way the wind blows. I sometimes suspect he doesn't even have any thoughts of is own but is empty inside.

@WieDan That surely is what it feels like, no opinions except whatever is most convenient.