Will legacy Blue checks on Twitter be gone by 4/21?
resolved Apr 21

Elon Musk made a tweet with a date in it.. You know the drill.

YES: During 4/20 most blue checkmarks of non-paying accounts are removed.

NO: Only a very small amout is removed (less than ~10% of non-paying users) or they are returned during the the course of the day (due to technical difficulties or for any other reason).

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predicted YES

this should probably have resolved later, as twitter is giving people with 1M followers a free checkmark now: https://twitter.com/dexerto/status/1649908789657698304?s=46

I don't think that would have effected the outcome, since the vast majority are still removed.

predicted YES

@Shai yea that’s fair

Seems like Elon gave a few people Blue as a bit...
This is why I put the word "most" in the market description lol.

Seems like all the old blue checkmarks are gone now (if not let me know).

The market will still stay open until the end of the day.

sold Ṁ190 of YES

@Shai They could still be returned before midnight!

bought Ṁ100 of YES

Legacy blue checks are now disappearing from the platform—unsurprisingly, it seems to be quite chaotic (e.g., refreshing a page can make them (dis)appear).

bought Ṁ300 of YES
bought Ṁ10 of NO

How do you distingush between legacy blue checks and the new blue checks ?

predicted YES

@Odoacre You can't really, but there are plenty of people with legacy checks who have stated they will not be buying Twitter Blue. So their account will be a good indicator if the change has happened.

bought Ṁ100 of NO

@Odoacre the API still shows the difference, and there are browser plug-ins that will show it for you

These types of markets are at a high risk of being resolved NA. So please, if you're not sure how I'll resolve this market in some hypothetical outcome ask me and that will help me clarify the resolution criteria.