Will I include any of the links in the comments in my next linkpost?
resolved May 13
I plan to post my next linkpost on May 14th. I am looking for more things to add, but I am pretty picky about what I include. Here are my previous linkposts to give you a sense of what I am interested in: https://harsimony.wordpress.com/tag/links/ Will resolve to NO if the comments below don't lead me to include a new link in my next post. Will resolve to YES if the comments below lead me to include a new link in my next post. Note: I have already gathered several links for this post, so comments that happen to mention one of these won't count towards YES. Close date updated to 2022-05-13 11:59 am
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predicted YES
Charity prediction markets! https://manifoldmarkets.substack.com/p/manifold-for-good-manifold-for-all
bought Ṁ10 of YES
Yoram Bauman rebuts Steven Koonin on climate change: https://standupeconomist.com/thoughts-on-unsettled-by-steven-koonin/
bought Ṁ10 of YES
Analysis of DALL-E 2 by Scott Aaronson et al: https://arxiv.org/abs/2204.13807
bought Ṁ1 of YES
Clever! In keeping with the spirit of the question, I'm not going to accept reverences to this market itself (wasn't planning on linking it anyways). I bet $1 to tip Yev.
bought Ṁ5 of YES
Using prediction markets to crowdsource link posts: https://manifold.markets/SamHarsimony/will-i-include-any-of-the-links-in