Will Power Plant Worker get to 10/10 or bigger?
resolved Jan 25
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bought Ṁ23 of YES

Good case of (me) making a lot of profit by throwing a few bets in the last few seconds. We're both new to MM, and I don't think I'm cheating, (esp. because others' bet payouts are fixed from the time they made them,) but I do think Sam might want to close the market at some time before the results become obvious.

@TylerColeman I don't think that's necessary, other people could just bet even earlier, if they're not doing that it's their fault that they're missing out (you can bet through twitch chat so no need to be watching the site).

What's kind of scummy though is betting on your own market right before you're going to resolve it, as you did with the Reservoir prediction.

predicted YES

@MartyDettmann But betting late is where you get guaranteed wins. Yeah, I should def avoid betting late on my own markets. I guess I could pass the profits for Reservoir on to Sam, when my account's a week old.

predicted YES

@MartyDettmann Oh, I get you now. Yeah, I just think the race to bet at the right moment for guaranteed profits isn't what predictions should be about, mostly.

@TylerColeman When you are the one resolving the prediction and you bet right before doing so, obviously you get a guaranteed win.