Leveraged (Feb 10): Will Russia invade Ukrainian territory in 2022?
resolved Feb 10
Resolves PROB with the leveraged probability of @NiclasKupper's market "Will Russia invade Ukrainian territory in 2022?" ( https://manifold.markets/NiclasKupper/will-russia-invade-ukrainian-territ ) at midnight CT on Feb 10, 2022. Definition of leveraged probability: Let p_start be the implied probability of the underlying at the time of the creation of this market (i.e. 58%), and let p_end be the implied probability of the underlying at the end of this market (Feb 10). If p_end > = p_start, then the leveraged probability used for the settlement of this contract is p_start + sqrt(p_end - p_start). If p_end < p_start, then the leveraged probability is p_start - sqrt(p_start - p_end). If the leveraged probability is greater than 99.5%, this contract will resolve YES; if less than 0.5%, NO. #derivatives #gamma #leverage #RussiaUkraine Feb 10, 12:18am: The implied probability of the underlying contract at midnight was 78%. Since .58 + sqrt(.78 - .58) > 1, this contract resolves YES. Market behavior looks a little suspicious though...
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