This is an experiment to see if we can use a prediction market to compose a haiku about (some aspect) of EA.
A haiku is a poem of 3 lines of 5, 7, and 5 syllables each. The subject matter is [effective altruism]( Interpret that as broadly as you like.
Users will submit suggestions for each line of the haiku, and I will choose a random person here at our EAG coworking event to select the specific line. Users who predicted and bet on the chosen line will win big!
This is a market on the first line of the haiku. After the first line has been selected, I will create a market for the second.
Close date updated to 2022-07-29 4:55 pm
Thanks to Kate, our randomly selected judge, for selecting the first line of the haiku! Good work everyone on your submissions!
🏅 Top traders
# | Name | Total profit |
1 | Ṁ302 | |
2 | Ṁ36 |