Will phosphatidylserine facilitate my weight loss attempt?
resolved May 1

I am currently trying to lose weight (with the half-potato diet). I started taking phosphatidylserine for my ADHD symptoms a couple of days ago. I skipped lunch twice so far, so phosphatidylserine does seem to have an effect on my appetite.

This market resolves YES if either:

  • On the days I take phosphatidylserine, I consume fewer calories on average than when I did not take phosphatidylserine (I am tracking this on a daily basis)

  • On the days I take phosphatidylserine, I lose more weight on average than when I did not take phosphatidylserine (I am tracking this on a daily basis too)

This market resolves as N/A if I have to stop taking phosphatidylserine for any reason imminently, and as a result there isn't enough data to draw any conclusions.

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