Wll I make more than 5 well crafted personal goal markets in the next week?
resolved Feb 27

This market resolves Yes if I make five or more personal goal markets in the next week which I (after arguing with interested parties, where possible) belive to be well crafted (e.g. targeted towards improving my life based on good quality metrics).

Note: I will bet in this. If there is contention about whether I resolved it fairly, any bettors who put more than either 2% of their net worth or 5000 mana into this market are welcome to require moderator re-resolution (which if required, I am happy to request/pay for).

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Ah shit I can't believe I didn't have a position here lolol

bought แน€27,475 YES

Resolving as yes based on the below markets with 27 minutes to spare. My procrastination may not bode well for me achieving them, but hey, that's what they are here to fix. I'll try and add context tomorrow and make any small improvements that come to mind.

opened a แน€5,000 YES at 95% order

@RobertCousineau I'm going to do this tomorrow or tank my account trying.

@RobertCousineau oh I have a chance to really sabotage this market

bought แน€2,500 YES from 98% to 98.7%

@RobertCousineau or maybe tomorrow?

wait, does this mean the goal markets are going on your main? there's a rumour that was debatable. ๐Ÿ˜‰

@shankypanky they need to be on this account in order to count.

opened a แน€2,500 NO at 99.0% order

PPS: I am making this market as an incentive market; I've been meaning to make personal goal markets since far before the new years and have failed to. The base rate for this happening is low, but significant No bets are good incentive for me to follow through.
