Which movie will I prefer: Everything Everywhere All At Once or Poor Things?
resolved Apr 24
Poor Things
Everything Everywhere All At Once

The market resolves to which movie I prefer, after watching both.

I've watched neither yet.

@Joroth prefers EEAAO, @shankypanky prefers Poor Things.

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71 traders!! the people really have movie opinions!

@shankypanky but Al Quinn has movie facts.

@AlQuinn this is the highest number of traders of any of Robert's markets - if he sticks around he should pivot to media markets obviously

bought Ṁ20 Everything Everywher...

I always say my favorite movie is the one I most recently watched.

the time has come

@shankypanky it's not looking good for EEAAO so far. 53 minutes in.

bought Ṁ750 Everything Everywher...

@shankypanky nice view nice kitty

ftr I haven't made any snarky comments, scoffs, or otherwise leading statements whatsoever as I promised to go in with an open mind as well and I'm a woman of my word

Poor things felt like it was presenting interesting information and guiding you towards understanding it. The exploration of individualism/autonomy felt like it meant something. Also, it was really fun to watch. I'd say 8/10

EEAAO was just yelling "find beauty/joy/value in everything and everyone. Life goes happier that way. Now watch a more absurd Kingsmen". I'd say 5.5/10 - it was fun and felt like it was really wanted to make an argument as to why that (happiness/subjective value) matters, but they forgot to show/argue why and instead just told (in a fashion that felt circular). Characters felt sorta stupid, but in a normal for media way.

When is this going to be resolved? It's been so long

@AbilAbraham2816 @RobertCousineau still hasn't watched EE but he was also away for a couple of weeks. I'll see if I can arrange a watch party soon

Both, all at once.

it's been an unexpectedly hungover Sunday so I've summoned Robert and flipped a coin - the call is Poor Things today ✨

also ftr: I didn't sell my position as any indication whatsoever to the outcome so don't bet based on that. I just wanted out. 🙃

@shankypanky Poor Things was really good!

I've heard good things about EEAAO too though - I would not call it yet.

@RobertCousineau She matured from a toddler to an adult immediately when the hulk hit on her. Dropping plates to scheming. It was weird.

@RobertCousineau What are your feelings re: Women

@TiredCliche 😂

@TiredCliche none it seems 🤔

@TiredCliche in what context? I'm generally bullish on people, women very much included.

@RobertCousineau Would you say you're more bullish about women's intellectual growth or women's familial and spiritual growth? Also, when you think of something being too surreal for you, is your first association with that closer to "too abstract and inexplicable" or "too bizarre and off-putting?"

@TiredCliche I expect intellectual growth is more likely to bring us closer to my terminal values than I expect familial or spiritual growth to.

Using those words, I'd say surreal more means to me "abstract" and "bizarre" than "inexplicable" and/or "off-putting". Surreal experiences/the feeling of something being surreal seems to me to be a byproduct of evolution/a part of our emotional system (therefore "explicable")

I'm hesitant to ascrive an emotional value judgement to an emotion itself ("off-putting").

@RobertCousineau you have to watch these sooner than later - stitching this comment section together you can almost make a call today I imagine lol

Minor spoilers

I just watched Poor Things. Very good! A bit bumpy early on as I had some difficulties calibrating my suspension of disbelief. Might rewatch it again at some point. I'm selling some shares, this movie seems targeted at rationalist adjacent communities in particular 😂

@Tumbles welcome to the light!

@Odoacre I still like EEAAO better! But EEAAO is a tough one to compete with, for me, it's over the threshold where it simply ties for first place with other favorites. Poor Things really was special though!

@Tumbles okay I'm so conflicted because on one hand: he's reading these comments, stop it!! but on the other hand: what a relief to see this lol

Robert, you will prefer Everything Everywhere All At Once

big bang a teoria GIF

Robert, you will prefer Everything Everywhere All At Once

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