resolved Sep 15

Will United Auto Workers (UAW) go on strike at any point during Summer 2023 (Wed, Jun 21, 2023 - Sat, Sep 23, 2023)?

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bought Ṁ378 of YES
predicted YES


Technically the UAW is on strike already. Not the primary group of UAW workers, but still…

bought Ṁ10 of NO

I think this kinda swings on how much a "partial strike" /"targeted strike" counts

sold Ṁ22 of NO



I'm pretty sure this should resolve this. The description does not state that they need to strike against the auto manufacturers, or that is needs to be a full strike. Only a strike by UAW is needed. This is an official strike by the union, and 1000+ workers is not just some tiny subgroup.

predicted YES

@Shump Manifold always looking for some gotcha. This is a straightforward question. Let’s make this easy, once NPR reports autoworkers are on strike it resolves yes. This is the headline so far:

bought Ṁ1,000 of YES


United Auto Workers President Shawn Fain announced a targeted strike plan Wednesday if the union decides to walk out at General Motors, Ford and Stellantis after a contract expiration late Thursday.

Details of the plan, including which plants will be struck, will not be announced until just before the 11:59pm contract expiration on Thursday night, Fain said.

predicted YES

Less than 48 hours left

predicted NO

Kalshi's real-money market is trading at 60c, way dislocated from this market!


predicted NO

@AdhiR Go trade on Kalshi then, stop the spamming!

predicted YES

@AdhiR Kalshi requires a strike against all three major automakers, while this market requires only one.

FYI, Kalshi has posted a real-money version of this market with two differences:

1. The deadline for the market is the end of the year

2. The strike has to be against all of the big 3 automakers.


predicted NO

@AdhiR Well this is what it is on the Manifold!!! This site built different. 😆

bought Ṁ190 of YES

@Predictor What happens if there's just a partial strike, where the UAW strikes against just one company (eg. like in 2019, when they targeted GM only)?

predicted YES

@Predictor Need an answer on this ASAP

predicted YES

@Gabrielle Partial strike will count. So if for example only Ford is targeted, this will still resolve as yes.