Will the Tesla (TSLA) stock price close over $900 on February 18, 2022?
resolved Feb 18
- This market resolves YES if TSLA stock is at or over the stated amount in the question. - Trading closes at 3pm ET, and question is resolved after 4pm ET market close. - Excellent short-term play, offering quick daily resolutions, and, depending on the trading day, easy profits for putting into long-term markets. - This question does not recognize after-hours trading, only the official close price listed on Yahoo! Finance for that day is used for the resolution of this question. - Reference: https://finance.yahoo.com/quote/TSLA/history?p=TSLA
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bought Ṁ1 of YES
@Predictor I recommend opening at the true probability. For this you could look at options prices but you’d need to be a quant to figure this out! I think a weakness of DPM is the person creating the market also has to make an initial prediction and the sharks will circle if it is wrong. Anyway thanks for letting me get this lottery ticket!
bought Ṁ21 of NO
bought Ṁ1 of YES
@Gurkenglas For future, what would you recommend open probability to be? I am trying to figure out. Maybe 50/50? Thank you for any guidance.
bought Ṁ90 of NO
Why did you open it at 95%? That's silly.