Will any player have more than 3 assists in the 2022 FIFA World Cup?
resolved Dec 18

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bought Ṁ10 of YES

Either Messi or Griezmann need one, and they both have 3 assists in 6 matches. So naively that's 1-0.5^2 = 0.75 that either of them gets another one. And both Argentina and France are attacking teams, so I don't see a big reason to adjust that downwards that much. 40% seems clearly too low.

predicted YES

@EliasSchmied not sure why it says 10 of YES, I bought 80 of YES

sold Ṁ68 of NO

@EliasSchmied I agree, but past top assisters will tend to regress to the mean, and it's harder to assist against a strong team. On the other hand, maybe France scoring and Argentina scoring are anticorrelated a bit, and other players add a few %.

predicted YES

@StevenK That's true. Also, now that I look at them, World cup finals maybe tend to be a little bit low-scoring? But overall I'm happy with having bet it to 55%

bought Ṁ100 of YES

@EliasSchmied I'm beginning to worry that maybe @AlexLiesman knows something. There was a news report about French players getting sick, but I didn't see Griezmann on that list.

predicted YES

@EliasSchmied Low scoring world cup finals seems kind of hard to believe. If that were true, I'd expect low scores for any high stakes game between strong teams. And the possibility of extra time means more expected minutes of play than the average match. I haven't looked at numbers though.

predicted YES

@StevenK 6 goals and no Messi or Griezmann assist I'm so salty

bought Ṁ30 of NO

Requires one from Messi or Griezmann, two from any of five other French and Croatian players, or three from various others. Not a given IMHO.

Will any player have more than 3 assists in the 2022 FIFA World Cup?, 8k, beautiful, illustration, trending on art station, picture of the day, epic composition