Submit options for any category or group of people who Trump's running mate might be a part of. Multiple options can be resolved YES, so the groups can overlap. Options may be resolves N/A if it's unclear who belongs to the group in question, but there are no limits to how broad they can be.
@PlasmaBallin uncharacteristic lapse of imagination form you. Lots of unlikely but non-zero reasons for “no one” ranging from “he doesn’t think he needs one” to “he assumes power in non-traditional manner without a VP” to “he puts all the women contenders in the octagon in bikinis but this does not work out”.
@ClubmasterTransparent I suppose those are technically nonzero due to Cromwell's rule. I guess I would still count them as part of this option.
He’s been trending up with Hispanics. A Hispanic VP might break the 40% barrier. If that happens, he will win. Or he’ll go with Zeldin because he likes him personally/can trust him. Zeldin is a white, older New Yorker, just more inoffensive than Trump.
@FoxKHTML Suarez is nowhere near loyal enough to the Trump agenda, which he has repeatedly said is his first priority
@thepurplebull Being picked as VP can do a lot to change someone’s mind. And I’m convinced that he ran for president to raise his name ID for Trump.
In a shocking turn of events, Donald Trump and Joe Biden publish a joint press release detailing how they had a long and hard talk and realized they always misunderstood each other very hard. They announce that they will run together from here on out with Biden assuming the VP role due to his quickly deteriorating mental capacities. Donald Trump redeems himself and runs the cabinet with deep regard for democratic principles of inclusivity and progress.
Americans erupt in spontaneous bouts of joy and hold each other's hands and sing Kumbaya in the streets. The nation is healed.
@Symmetry If this happened, they would both lose because everyone would vote for whoever is running against both of them (they no longer have to worry about wasting their vote, since Biden v. Trump has gone from "the lesser of two evils" to "both the same evil").