Will Biden receive more than 80% of the vote in every state primary or caucus on Super Tuesday?
resolved Mar 6

Resolves YES if Biden wins more than 80% of the vote in every state that holds their Democratic primary or caucus on March 5, 2024. So far, he has gotten more than 80% in every state except New Hampshire, where he wasn't on the ballot and won 64% as a write-in candidate.

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Biden currently has 69.8% of the vote in Minnesota with 77% estimated reporting. This makes him mathematically guaranteed to get less than 10% of the vote if the estimated vote totals, even if the estimated votes in is off by 10%.

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@PlasmaBallin Biden loses American Samoa

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@nikki This is only state primaries or caucuses. But it will almost certainly resolve NO anyway. He's at less than 70% in Minnesota.

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Hope this NYT data is right. Biden needs 91% for outstanding vote to get to 80%, and his best county is 85% (Oklahoma)

@AlQuinn I think this data is correct. He's also significantly below 80% in Minnesota.

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