Will a mod accidentally superban themself in 2024?

Manifold just added a "superban", a ban that is more far-reaching than regular bans.

Will it be reported that a mod accidentally applied it to themself in 2024? Note that employees also count as mods.

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define "accidentally"

predicts NO

@Stralor I don't understand what the ambiguity in this is. Are there specific edge cases you're thinking of?

predicts YES

@PlasmaBallin is this gameable? what if I superban myself and say it was an accident?

predicts NO

@Stralor I mean, it's gameable in the sense that you can lie about your intentions to affect the resolution, yes. But since it's just about mods, who are expected to be trustworthy, I don't think it's a big deal.

predicts YES

@PlasmaBallin also a big cost to mess with all your comments and markets, though I know safeguards are in place