Which U.S. president was more corrupt?
I wonder if this would change if you ask if the administration and not just the person was corrupt? Trump (at least use to) have people that would try and stear him away from his worse impulse but Nixon had just as if not more corrupt people around him like his VP.
While as a whole Nixon was a better president, those choosing Trump are forgetting some history (recency bias)
@CharlieBauer I think there is actually a case for Trump being more corrupt than Nixon. Nixon tried to interfere in an election, but in the end, he still won it legitimately. Trump lost an election and tried to have it illegitimately overturned. Trying to overturn an election that you already lost is, in my opinion, way more corrupt than using dirty tactics to try to get an advantage in an upcoming election. Obviously, you can still argue that the tactics Nixon used were worse, but I highly doubt Trump would have any moral qualms about using the same tactics as Nixon if he thought he could get away with it.
@PlasmaBallin You’re right that my opinion comes down to tactics. The techniques Trump used to overturn the election were public and legal: court challenges, pressuring states for recounts, telling DOJ to investigate, asking VP to not certify.
For me “corrupt” is not about results or goals but rather actions
@CharlieBauer This is true to some extent (I don't think that asking states for recounts was corrupt because it was perfectly within Trump's rights to do so), but not all the tactics were open and legal. It wouldn't have been legal for Pence to refuse to certify, and it certainly wouldn't have been legal for Raffensperger to "find" 11,780 votes, but Trump tried to pressure them into it anyway. And he pressures secretaries of state in private, it only became public because Raffensperger released it.