Silly Court: Is the answer to this question no?
resolved May 7

The Silly Court is our institution at Manifold to help resolve silly questions. The comments section of this market will be used for each side's lawyers to argue their case. To become a lawyer for one side, all you have to do is post a comment in support of your favored side. However, troll logic is the only form of evidence admissible in this court, and jurors are asked to disregard anything else.

After market close, the jurors will vote on the resolution. To become a juror, all you have to do is vote on the resolution. A hung jury will occur if the final vote is a tie. In this case, the top shareholders on each side will play a game of rock paper scissors to determine the resolution. I will get each player's move via DM so that neither will know which move the other made. If one player doesn't respond within 24 hours, they forfeit the game. If neither responds, @FairlyRandom will decide the resolution.

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By an overwhelming margin of 100%, the answer YES has been chosen by the jury.

don't ever let them tell you that your vote doesn't matter, boys and girls🪿

Okay, well this one didn't get very much engagement, but here's the poll. Like one of the replies to this comment to vote.

bought Ṁ10 NO

I think the answer is not likely to be no because it could be maybe or yes. Assuming they're all equally likely, no has a 1/3 chance of being the answer.