Silly Court: Is 2+2=5 (according to the Silly Jury)?
resolved Apr 2

The Silly Court is our new institution at Manifold to help resolve silly questions. The first question up for trial is whether 2+2=5. The comments section of this market will be used for each side's lawyers to argue their case. To become a lawyer for one side, all you have to do is post a comment in support of your favored side.

Closing arguments may be made on April 1, when the jurors will vote on the resolution. To become a juror, all you have to do is vote on the resolution. Each side may choose to remove up to two users from the jury pool by giving a sufficiently silly reason to remove that juror. The votes of the removed jurors will not count towards the final count. As the Silly Judge, I will determine whether the reasons given for exclusion are silly or not. The two people removed by each side will be the first two people who someone holding shares in that side asks to remove with a silly reason.

A hung jury will occur if the final vote is a tie. In this case, the top shareholders on each side will play a game of rock paper scissors to determine the resolution. I will get each player's move via DM so that neither will know which move the other made. If one player doesn't respond within 24 hours, they forfeit the game. If neither responds, @FairlyRandom will decide the resolution.

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Alright, here is the poll for the resolution. Vote by liking one of the comments below. You can change your vote if someone makes a silly argument that convinces you of a different side.

The market has closed and the silly jury has voted 2 - 1 in favor of YES. Although an argument was made for excluding jurors, it didn't affect any of them because they all had an odd number of characters in their name.

@Stralor @Jono3h Any silly reasons to exclude jurors before the vote finalizes?

@PlasmaBallin anybody with an even number of characters in their username is clearly not odd enough to be on the silly jury

Alright, here is the poll for the resolution. Vote by liking one of the comments below. You can change your vote if someone makes a silly argument that convinces you of a different side.



I’ve read 1984, which is in the canon of Western Literature and therefore presumably reliable, and it made it pretty clear that 2+2=5.

Clearly 2 + 2 = π.

@TimothyJohnson5c16 Yeah, but does π=5?

@gregrosent From my engineering class, π^2 = 10. I don't really understand what that pointy triangle is but I think it is just a typo for *, so that is π*2=10, or π = 5. QED.

@SavioMak We all now that e^2 = 3^2 = π^2 = 10, so this implies that e=5 and 3=5 as well.

"It is quite possible that we are descending into an age in which two plus two will make five when the Leader says so."
As we have descended much further than in Orwells Day, two plus two must now clearly make 5.

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we agree that

x + x = 2x

now you only need to substitute x for 2 and you get

2 + 2 = 22

Clearly the answer is 5.

We know that addition and multiplication are commutative, i.e., we can swap the order of operations if we want without changing the answer.

Also, multiplying by 1 does not change a value.


2 + 2

= 2 + (2 x 1) (multiplying by 1)

= (2 x 2) + 1 (applying commutativity)

= 4 + 1 (simplifying)

= 5 (simplifying)

@TimothyJohnson5c16 your forgetting that the = also is commutative, which is why prefix notation is a valid way of writing math formulas.

2 + 2 = 2 + 2

(2 + 2) / 2 = (2 + 2) / 2

2 = 2

= 2 2 (convert to prefix notation)


you can also arrive at this answer if you correctly use substitution, as you can see in my answer

glad i could help