Rigged Gambling Game
resolved May 29

This market will resolve to either YES or NO. I won't say how, but it is rigged to ensure that the house always wins, even without the house betting on it. If you can figure out how, perhaps you can profit.

I won't bet.

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The All Memeing Eye was correct about the mechanism for the rigging. I resolved it YES because it closed at 49%, so a YES resolution gives me back more liquidity than I put in.

@benmanns bad bet

@TrickyDuck bad bet

@PlasmaBallin my understanding is that, now that the AMM shares remain owned by the market creator, they profit if they resolve it in the opposite direction to the odds, so it always makes sense for me to bet towards 50%

@TheAllMemeingEye And yet you bet it away from 50%. Curious

@PlasmaBallin fuck, I didn't mean to, well I guess it's just 5 mana so not too bad