I recently calculated scores to determine Manifold's favorite movie, book, TV show, print comic, webcomic, song, video game, board game, role-playing game, short story, poem, podcast, YouTube channel, and play, based on the results of a survey. But what are my favorites?
I don't actually have definitive favorites in each of these categories because some of them just have too many excellent works to choose between. However, I can say that I have a definitive favorite book, TV show, print comic, webcomic, role-playing game, short story, podcast, YouTube channel, and play. I also have two favorite video games and I've already basically revealed that one of them is Super Mario Galaxy, so you'll have to guess the other one here. I will also reveal that all of my favorites were options of the Manifold's favorites survey, though I wasn't necessarily the one who submitted them.
I will resolve all the options which are one of my favorites to YES and all the ones that aren't to NO, unless they're duplicates, in which case I'll resolve them N/A. If you answer with a movie, song, or board game, I'll resolve N/A since I don't have definitive favorites in those categories. I'll also resolve any options that aren't part of any of these categories, or that are incoherent, to N/A.
I will wait at least until the listed closing time to resolve all the options, but I'll open it for longer if not all of my favorites have been guessed yet.
I won't bet on this market, since I already know the answers.
In a big surprise to everyone, I've never actually read this book. I'm pretty sure I've absorbed many of the ideas from it through osmosis and personal research, but I've never read the original book.
@NicoDelon You can find them here: https://manifold.markets/browse?s=score&f=all&ct=ALL&topic=manifolds-favorites
@JosephNoonan Also, some of my favorites are things that I've referenced on Manifold before. So you may be able to use that as a clue if you can find the references. Or look to the original Manifold's favorites markets to see if anything I said or did might suggest that one is my favorite.
First revelation: I've never actually watched Breaking Bad. I've heard that it's super good but haven't gotten around to finding out for myself.
@JosephNoonan I can, however, confirm that there is at least one correct answer on the board right now.