Will Brandon get a girlfriend by the end of 2024?
resolved May 3

Anyone, but they must be actively dating.

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predicted NO

bro spent all his money on no

As of now, no. Chloe and Brandon aren't talking anymore.

Resolves YES I think

@DeadRhino rly who's he with

predicted YES

@Physictype some chloe kid

@DeadRhino I'll ask him

predicted YES

@Physictype brandon currently doesn't have access to discord, he'll confirm in a few days

@DeadRhino they are not actively dating

predicted YES

@mana yes they are

predicted NO

@DeadRhino they haven’t met irl?

predicted YES

@DeadRhino they confirmed they haven’t met irl

predicted YES

@mana and?

predicted NO

@DeadRhino they can’t be dating (unless online dating counts)

predicted YES

@mana i'm pretty sure that brandon and chloe both think that chloe is his gf, which i think is enough for her to count as his girlfriend

predicted NO

@DeadRhino description says must be actively dating

cris ur dumb

predicted NO

@DeadRhino Pretty sure she meant "Sure, I can confirm that I'm not his girlfriend."

predicted NO

She says they were never dating. The only thing confirmed was that they were talking.

predicted NO

@BrandonNam95cd lmao y'all weren't dating so cris is actually smort