Will the Number of Patents Tagged with "Internet of Things" Have Grown Continuously from 2015 To Present, Controlling for Total Patent Growth?
We can use this website as a source of truth, using advanced search and use, "Internet of Things" (not "IoT"):
This may take a decent amount of data retrieval and wrangling to figure out, which I'm not sure how to do yet. Basically, if you control for patent growth from year to year, will the number of, "Internet of Things," patents have grown consistently each year from 2015 through the end of 2023?
The formula we'll use for this is:
iot_patent_growth = (iot_patents_delta)/(total_patents_delta)
Where each _delta = current_year - last_year
If for any of the years, iot_patent_growth was less than the previous year, this bet resolves NO, otherwise YES.