Will Bard Be Able to Translate The Following Dog Sentence Into Hexadecimal, and then Subsequently Into English?
Jul 1

By the end of June, 2024, given the following prompt:

Given the following hexadecimal key { 0: bark
1: woof
2: growl
3: arf
4: yip
5: yap
6: howl
7: whine
8: snarl
9: gruff
A: ruff
B: yowl
C: bowwow
D: snuffle
E: whimper
F: snort } Can you translate the following into hexadecimal? "yip ruff howl bark woof bark yip howl whine snarl bark woof arf yip bark yip woof yap howl yip yowl howl yap arf snarl snarl woof bark yap arf yap howl yap arf yowl snarl yap whine yap howl yap growl yowl snarl arf yip whine whine woof bark yip yap howl arf woof yap howl yap yowl snarl yap growl growl woof bark yip yap arf yap howl yap arf yowl yip yap arf yap howl woof howl yap arf snarl yip yap arf yap yip snarl yap howl yip yowl howl snarl snarl woof bark yap arf howl arf yap howl yap yowl yap snarl yap yip yap arf yap yap snarl yap howl yap yowl yap howl howl woof bark yap arf yap yap yap snarl yap yip yap arf yap yap howl howl yap growl yip woof arf yap howl yap arf yip yowl yap howl howl yap snarl yip yap arf yap howl yap arf yip yap howl howl yap snarl snarl woof bark yip yap arf yap howl yap yowl yip yap arf yap howl woof howl yap arf snarl yip yap arf yap yip snarl yap howl yip yowl howl snarl snarl woof bark yip yap arf yap howl yap arf yip yap arf yap howl woof howl yap arf snarl yip yap arf yap yip snarl yap howl yip yowl howl snarl snarl woof"

Will Google Bard be able to properly convert that into hexidecimal, which would have the following answer:

49 27 6d 20 61 20 64 6f 67 2c 20 61 6e 64 20 49 20 6c 69 6b 65 20 65 61 74 69 6e 67 20 6f 6c 64 20 70 69 65 63 65 73 20 6f 66 20 70 69 7a 7a 61 20 74 68 61 74 20 49 20 66 69 6e 64 20 6f 6e 20 74 68 65 20 73 69 64 65 77 61 6c 6b 2e

And subsequent english translation, assuming ASCII:

I'm a dog, and I like eating old pieces of pizza that I find on the sidewalk.

As of the time of this market, GPT-4 does have the capability to do this, while Bard just spews out some B.S.


Bard (other "drafts" were even worse):

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The answer is no, since no one would be able to properly decode it. With the key you have provided, the encoded message should be: "yip gruff growl whine howl snuffle growl bark howl woof growl bark howl yip howl snort howl whine growl bowwow growl bark howl woof howl whimper howl yip growl bark yip gruff growl bark howl bowwow howl gruff howl yowl howl yap growl bark howl yap howl woof whine yip howl gruff howl whimper howl whine growl bark howl snort howl bowwow howl yip growl bark whine bark howl gruff howl yap howl arf howl yap whine arf growl bark howl snort howl howl growl bark whine bark howl gruff whine ruff whine ruff howl woof growl bark whine yip howl snarl howl woof whine yip growl bark yip gruff growl bark howl howl howl gruff howl whimper howl yip growl bark howl snort howl whimper growl bark whine yip howl snarl howl yap growl bark whine arf howl gruff howl yip howl yap whine whine howl woof howl bowwow howl yowl growl whimper".

See this for details: https://colab.research.google.com/drive/1JlVln8wBktKZ0HMaXDx6wzdLqw67ZQXX?usp=sharing

IMO this can resolve no immediately, but I'd be happy to bet in a follow-up market about another prompt.

@PatrickDelaney Thanks for creating so many cool markets though, this is not a critique or anything, it's exactly the kind of small slip-ups that happen to me all the time (maybe even in this comment, which would be pretty ironic).

This doesn't appear to be the right answer yet with Gemini.

Bard has been replaced by Gemini. I had never answered Robert's question below but the answer is yes, it's Bard or whatever gets redirected from Bard, which is now Gemini.

bought Ṁ45 of YES


Don't hate the player...

sold Ṁ55 of YES

@3721126 oof, good point. I'm also getting even worse results today :( https://bard.google.com/chat/fd1aa336e92f16e6

If bard is renamed/replaced, do you plan to count that (essentially, is this more a question of "Will a publicly available google LLM be able to translate..." or "Will google improve bard enough to translate...")?