Which of these 3-digit numbers *feels* the biggest? [POLL]
resolved May 4
Fortune 500

Just what the question says on the tin. This is about your feelings, regardless of whether those feelings align with conventional ideas of number bigness or not. Please answer seriously. If you smile while answering, delete your account.

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912 is objectively biggest, but 888 has the largest digit sum, and is densest at a glance. Fortune 500 is not a number. The rest seem appropriately large for their actual magnitude. I was split on whether to vote 912 or 888.

Here are my thoughts:

  • 911 - the date of a national tragedy and an emergency number, doesn't feel like a real number

  • 666 - demon stuff

  • 777 - lucky

  • 912 - doesn't have associated meanings, so it feels the most "number". 9XX feels pretty large

  • 888 - betting?

  • Fortune 500 - a list of companies

If I were to rank them from biggest to smallest it would be:

  • 912

  • 888 ~= 777

  • Fortune 500

911 and 666 just don't "feel like" number numbers to me.