Will auditable global info systems be developed that harness the protocols applied to scientific research?

Will a trustworthy auditable (currently by hyperlink, likely some future developed technology, though) news, analysis, and information system be developed that harnesses the human protocols of nonplagiarism and data accuracy as applied to production of scientific research and other scholarly journal articles?

Only information supported by other (effectively) hyperlink-based news along with original, direct first-hand reporting would be used in such a system. Such a rigorously controlled reporting system will be as reliably valuable as government economic portal data, upon which trillions of dollars of money flows rely every week.

Such an endeavor will be precipitated by the accelerating usage of AI-based tools that will eventually require that their inputs be limited to accurate and reliable (multiple layers deep) sources on the internet. Legislation motivated by increasing social instability caused by unreliable AI tools will likely promote the development of these more rigorous information sourcing systems.

Resolves to YES if such a system or systems - which permit auditable sourcing of all factual assertions - will be used by over half of the world population either directly or indirectly by the end of the year 2035.

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